So here is my first blog post... I'm planning on writing all about my climbing, what I've been doing, where I've been going and what I've been thinking. Hopefully I'll be getting lots of cool pics and even some HD clips going soon... so last night was a night session after work, the status quo as a working boulderer in Cape Town. Marijus and I headed out to Easter Island at Redhill, as Marijus has been working a rad project there which is possiby going to go at 8B, putting it at the top end of the problems in CT. The line looks amazing, with some super hard compression moves and some solid crimping. Marijus has the beta worked out and is pretty much just refining it and getting ready for the send, which is gonna be sick! I got back on "Storefront Cemetary" (8A) which is a line that Marijus opened right next to the project, with some rather unusual moves. The crux is essentially a left facing crimp and a right toe hook, with your body almost horizontal, and then you have to hop through some more left facing crimps to a solid one. The moves are hard to get around your head, as you have to place so much trust in the right toe hook. I managed to get through the crux and fell on some of the moves I've done before, so I think a session next week will hopefully bring the send! After all that work we went to work a project at Coppermine, also looking very hard, with a huge move off some sharp holds, but rad nonetheless. Before it got dark there was an amazing sunset, and a full moon later in the evening, what an awesome place to be!

Photo by Marijus Smigelskis
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